
What is paranormal? What is Paramericana

Paranormal is a widely used term but according to the Merrian-Webster Dictionary, Paranormal means not scientifically explainable, Supernatural. When I think about paranormal pop culture and all that it entails I just want to specify what is our definition, here at Paramericana.

There are certainly a great number of different cultural and unexplained phenomena that could fit into this definition…not scientifically explainable. So why people yawn and what is dark matter could ultimately fit into that definition, but we’re not going to talk about those kind of things.

We’re focused on the phenomena rooted in the collective unruly imaginations and perception of mankind. So without further ado let’s go to the list of things we’d like to rate as paranormal or not. We’re doing the work to put together all the best pop culture has to offer about paranormal asking the question who, where & what.

Cryptids vs Monsters
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Cryptids, Including but not limited to Bigfoot, Skunk ape, Loch Ness Monster, Gremlins, Mermaids, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, and Moth Man. These are the classic unexplainable creatures that have inspired mankind for decades to centuries to look. These are rooted in history having repeated interactions with people all over north america. For paramericana, these are the cyptids we have to talk about. How we portray them in movies and media is important for how we view the world. Our fascination with these creatures is based in a strange concoction of hope and fear. It has created the base of the paranormal culture we have today that must keep looking.

So a story based on someone creating a monster from a test tube that looks like one of our creatures above, not what we’re looking for. A bigfoot, happy or angry, in it’s natural environment encountering humans, whatever the consequences, that hit’s the spot.

Certified Paranormal

Vampires & Zombies, Not necessarily what you think of as a cryptid. The origin of vampire’s is a distinctly older idea than America so it’s hard to envision it as a cryptid hiding on the outskirts of society. The Z word as we know it today has origins in the West African religion of Voodoo where slaves taken to the new world carried this religion with them. Zombies were thrust into pop culture by George A Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Monsters like these are not something we’re going to call a cryptid but they are paranormal. So we’re going to save them for Halloween only. That’s a compromise.

Paranormal, But only discussed at Halloween

UFO’s, Aliens : Paranormal or Science Fiction
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Virtually, all UFO’s fall into a definition of unexplainable; however it’s hard to say that with our technology and the stories we’ve created centered around this. It’s not necessarily scientifically unexplainable. Mankind has left this planet and traveled in space, albeit not very far and at great expense. So while we can say these UFO’s are unexplainable since we know scientifically it’s possible to travel in space, even far distances. We don’t know how any race could travel faster than light with “our” current technology. That’s where science fiction comes into play as our ideas of how to get from point a to point b hundreds of light years apart has been influenced by light speed generators, warp drives, and worm holes.

So we definitely have some work here to pick apart what’s paranormal about the entire theme of UFO’s and Aliens. It’s a fascinating topic that drives us to think about what’s possible. Again, just like the cryptids above our beliefs are centered in hope and fear. So for our purposes we’re going to focus on alien’s coming to earth and interacting with humans for whatever stupid reasons we can imagine.

LIke everything else this whole area should be a blog of it’s own, but it fits into the pop culture of the world in a very special way. We want to find aliens that have made it to this planet since it means we’re not alone. Hopefully, you know the cliche, They come in peace.

Certified Paranormal

As far as actual exobiology and the actual workings of what a lifeform might look like. A nightmare factory that would basically be build to lay eggs that somehow attach to us and wham! You’re dead. That’s a no for us. I’m not a fanboy about the final alien and what makes them tick.

Not Paranormal, You can file that with Dark Matter.

Ghost & Spirits, Haunted Houses, Angels & Demons

Ghost & Sprits

Just thinking about this one gives me the willies. I was looking through all of the movies coming out for halloween and noticed how many are related to ghost. In reality, uour typical ghost experience is not one seen according to most recollections but felt.
So, I’m looking for the unexplainable, unseen but felt experiences of people interacting with spirits. However, that’s a very boring premise for our visual now,now, now culture.
In pop culture terms that incredibly difficult because unsees things are not very cinematic, visual, or interesting. So we’re going to have to compromise on how we think about ghost in a pop culture sense.

Almost all ghost stories of any kind will need some visual representation to make sense. The Macabre was always a popular subject in the past helping to explain a lack or understanding of science and the natural world. Going back to William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, you had a person playing Banquo’s ghost, haunting Macbeth. In Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, the same can be said of the spirits, haunting Ebeneeer Scrooge. These fictional examples of ghost and spirits are a good example of how a work of any kind has to show a physical representioan of a ghost.

I’m not saying we should see a ghost as a entity with a sheet over it’s head and eye cutouts, although, it worked in A Ghost Story(2017),

This topic will have more to be said as we move through this journey and we find our what really interest everyone about Ghost.

Certified Paranormal

Haunted Houses

Haunted houses are centered around a place that had something bad happen and it left a mark, indelible ink that can never be removed, like a blood stain on a white carpet. That was a creepy sentence, but it makes the point that these haunted place hold some sway over our heart. The curious theme of hope and fear rears it’s ugly head to give us another thing to research and experience today.

Certified Paranormal, No jump scares here

Angels & Demons

As someone who was raised Catholic surrounded by the mysticism and dogma of that faith the topic of Angels and Demons is an easy one. By faith alone and what’s written in the good book I have reason to believe in these things and they are as great and as terrible as we can imagine. Pop culture has embraced these concepts at times in terrifying stories of possession and manipulation of mankind. Stories and references about these beings for a different plane of existence that can crush us like an ant, that’s the stuff.

Certified Paranormal, Say your prayers

Ancient Civilization

The lost city of Atlantis, a legend recorded by Plato in ancient times, an allegorical tale about the downfall of an advanced civilization, or more. The idea of ancient civilizations having tremendous power and technological advances has excited mankind for the longest.

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Magic & Extra Sensory Abilities

These are definitely at the edge of my interest but there are definitely pieces of these ideas that tie into things we’re going to write about. We’re not talking about close up magic and tricks we’re discussing macabre powers, witches and rituals. These are more nightmare material to really get you going.

Extra Sensory Abilities, we’re not searching for the guy who can raise his body temperature a couple of degrees through mediation. We’re looking for a character from a Steven King novel with a talent that would make you question reality.

Certified Paranormal, You read my mind

Conspiracy Theories

I won’t engage in any conspiracy theory designed to undermine or negatively impact the United States in any way. So Area 51, as a top secret based studying UFO’s, that’s in my wheelhouse. Anything dealing with vaccinations created to fight a certain virus several years ago, not touching that.

Not Paranormal: Most of the Time.

We have alot of work to do to bring you the best pop culture has to offer. I’m looking for feedback, good or bad, on how to make our content better. Tell me what you believe and I’ll try and get you related content.

Remember Believers are the majority!

Please comment, Be Kind and stay weird.
